Sunday, May 25, 2008


I have always wanted to ski the Crow's Foot. Those of you who live in Salt Lake know what I am taking about... I have now recruited Cliff, therefore now it will happen. Yesterday, we decided to figure out how to get there. After 5 hours of "BUSHWAKING" we know how not to get there. We had fun and Bode was a good sport. Of course we left with no sunscreen or sun hat for him. He managed to come way with only some minor craps, amazing for what we went through. Cliff and I on the other hand, have quite a list of the aches and pains. Next time we try that we have decided to take the clippers along with us.
This week Bode is sitting up on his own, if you position his legs just right, he will sit for awhile and then when tired, he folds in half.
Today,Cliff brought Bode home from church early to take a nap. He said he pulled him self up in the car seat and was trying to look toward the drivers seat at cliff with a gigantic smile, almost as if he knew he was getting to skip church. When Cliff laid him down for his nap, Cliff said he was wrapping him up Bode pulled the blanket up by his face, closed his eyes and smiled. Like, OH Yea Dad, this is what I wanted, and he was out... He never sleeps like that for me?
He is growing so quickly, we were just commenting on how interactive he is becoming. We went to see Heidi, Dave, and Seth last night. Seth says to Cliff while they were bathing him, Bode is the luckiest kid in the whole world... Why cliff says?.. Cause he got my favorite Uncle for a DAD! I feel the same way, Bode and I are the luckiest in the whole world. I am so glad I could marry the love of my life.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008


My Great Grandma Farmor taught me many things, but one I think of the most often is this "For every worry under the sun, either their is a remedy or their is none, if their is one hurry and find it, if their is none, never mind it."

I love you grandma.. Forever!! And as for everything else, Never mind it!!

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Lots of 1st this week

You practice, you practice, you practice, and then when he rolls over for the 1st time, it is with Daddy... Bummer. This video was taken 5 months and 3 days old, and seconds after he rolled over for the 1st time.

This week he also rode on the boat for the 1st time. Yesterday May 17th, I water skiing in Utah lake with no wet suit, man glad to be out and not pregnant. Whit was with us, what a blessing she has been with helping with Bode. He is not quite use to the whole cold water thing. We will try and break him in slowly..

He feed himself for the 1st time this week. I am not sure any went in the mouth, but he defiantly had a go at it. Graham Crackers everywhere. I almost had a nerves breakdown he was so messy, we went straight to the tub. Which brings me to another 1st, we put him in the big tub... man he loves it! Splashing and moving everywhere...Cliff things I need to put a little black spot in his willy...

1st time he mowed the lawn, he fell asleep, maybe next time he could be a better helper. This week we take him to Powell for the 1st time... new adventures everyday!

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Mothers Day

"Anyone who imagines that bliss is normal is going to waste a lot of time running around shouting that he has been robbed. The fact is that most putts don’t drop, most beef is tough, most children grow up to be just like people, most successful marriages require a high degree of mutual toleration, and most jobs are more often dull than otherwise. Life is just like an old time rail journey ... delays, sidetracks, smoke, dust, cinders, and jolts, interspersed only occasionally by beautiful vistas and thrilling bursts of speed. The trick is to thank the Lord for letting you have the ride." Pres. Hinckley

Thanks for letting me have the ride. Thanks for letting me be a mother. Today is mother's day, and with mixed emotions the day comes to an end. My 1st mothers day ever. So the questions becomes am I a good Mother? Will I feel like a better mother next year then I do today? Why did God trust me to be a Mother?

My little bundle sleeps peacefully in the room behind me and the emotion that I feel for him is so intense, I had no knowledge it was possible to love or be loved so much. Everyone warns me they grow up fast. Enjoy them. Oh, how I try to. I want him to know how much I love him. Bode I love you. Mom, I love you. Thanks for being my mother. Thanks for the sacrifices. Thanks for being a Mom, so I could be a Mom. Thanks for Loving me! Today in primary I told a story about a mother who gave her child her ears, so he could lead a normal life, as a mother I now understand the feeling that mother had for her child. I feel blessed to be able to love and be loved like that.

I never understood the sacrifice of mothers, and maybe I still do not? I do not know? It is like at first in life you try to find out who you are, you spend years doing this and shaping who you are. Just when you think you figured it out a time comes when you are responsible for shaping who someone else is, and in doing to who you are changes, and you being to live life for this other thing that has come into your life. Who you were at this point, who you worked hard to become, is something totally different then who you are now, or who you wanted to be.

Cliff says growing up that he never saw his parents fight. He was sure they had disagreements, but never a fight in front of the kids. How? How is this done? How can I give this to my kids for this Mother's day?

For a year I think this week, I have been, preparing, trying, praying to sell my home. To no avail... We have fasted, we have prayed, we have paid our tithing on the increase we would get if the home sold, we have lowered our price, we have worked endless hours trying to make it look good, we have had faith that it would happen.... the neighbors house sold in 1 week... not right next door but close. I went to church today and they are packing their bags... So frustrating. AHRR... It is not the ward, It is not the people... I could live with those... It is the street. I think a year ago I wanted to move to be closer to skiing.. Today I want to move so I don't have to worry about Bode in the road, So he can have his grandma closer, so when he needs her, which he does, we can be closer. Please lord... let me house sell. I just read Marta Blog and it says we cannot do it alone. I cannot do this alone. Please do it for Bode..